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Installing MATLAB:

lnstall MATLAB (version R2024b)  on your computer using this link (https://www.mathworks.com/academia/tah-portal/middlebury-college-31511644.html#get)

Use your Middlebury  email address and password to sign in



Tutorials (MATLAB Onramp)

Learn the basics of MATLAB® through this introductory tutorial on commonly used features and workflows.

Phase Plane and Slope Fields

Videos Here



Initial Worksheet

Intro_To_MATLAB_Command Window

(bumbling around)

Intro_To_MATLAB LiveScript

(aaceptable solution)

Ai Hattori

(Elegant Solution)


Vector-Valued Functions of a Real Variable
(Parametric Equations)

 MATLAB "Cheat Sheet'

 MATLAB Activity One

MATLAB Activity Two

Notes on Activity Two




Installing MATLAB:

            You can download a copy, or run it on the web or (locally) through apporto